The author of this book is Bianca Szasz, a Romanian with a Ph.D. in Space Engineering from Japan, her academic journey reflecting her commitment to continuous learning. Not one to confine herself to a single place, Dr. Szasz expanded her horizons by joining several institutions and companies in different countries and across different continents.

Dr. Szasz played a pivotal role in the Shinen2 University space mission. Next, she embraced the role of Special Assistant Professor at Nagoya University where she guided graduate students as part of the Leadership Development Program for
Space Exploration and Research. Her journey is a testament to her endless curiosity, thirst for knowledge, and dedication to pushing the boundaries.

Her book, Data Analytics Essentials is a product of her analytical skills and academic curiosity. Being an engineer, she has always been fascinated by the accuracy and efficiency of systems and processes. But what really drew her in was the power of data and how it could revolutionize entire sectors. She came to see that data analytics may provide insights that conventional engineering techniques were unable to and this marked a turning point for her. She began pursuing many courses in data analytics because she was eager to learn more, anything from sophisticated machine learning techniques to fundamental statistics.

She started using what she discovered in data analytics in her engineering tasks. The accomplishment of these tasks increased productivity at work and gave her more faith in the field of data analytics.

Her enthusiasm for data analytics eventually expanded beyond using it for work-related purposes. Now she is passionate about educating those who might be in a similar situation to her about her experience and knowledge. This inspired her to produce this book on data analytics that is intended especially for students and professionals who have no prior or limited experience with data.


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