Blogs on ACT/SAT

 Expert Tips to Write an Impressive College Essay + Samples

Expert Tips to Write an Impressive College Essay + Samples

by Vibrant Publishers on Jul 02, 2023
To understand how to write a good and impressive college essay, you first need to understand what a college essay is. A college essay is a 650-word (or less) long essay that Admissions Officers need to evaluate if you are a good fit for their college. It is not an essay on a social problem or your opinion about the current crisis plaguing the world. It is an essay about yourself. But mind you that you don’t merely have to list down your achievements and your interests; you have to put your personality on the page.  Dr. Aimee Weinstein’s Writing Impressive College Essays: Includes Strategies and Essays That Really Work is an extremely useful and convenient guide to learning how to write good main essays and supplemental essays. The book’s conversational tone and step-by-step teaching process make it stand out from the plethora of guidebooks already available in the market. The tips included in this blog are part of this book. In this blog, we will only be discussing the main essay and the prompts that are provided on the Common App. Below is a list of prompts provided on the Common App for 2022-23. Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience? Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome? Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you? Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others. Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more? Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design. Notice that all these essays ask you to either share an interesting story, a topic that captivates you, an accomplishment or failure, or a realization that dawned upon you. They are always about you and your learnings and passions in life.    Expert tips to craft an impressive college essay Dig deeper to find your story Your college essay should provide a glimpse into your life for the Admissions officers. You can choose any prompt from the ones listed above but you first need to understand what the prompt is actually asking you to write. If you are choosing the second prompt, you need to ask yourself — “What is a major challenge that I faced and overcame?” “How did I overcome it?” “What did I learn from it?” Remember, it does not suffice to just write down the challenge because that is not what the Admissions officers want to read. They want to know how you overcame the obstacle and moved ahead.  You can find many such brainstorming questions in Writing Impressive College Essays which has a separate chapter entirely dedicated to it.   Always show, don’t tell : Example #1 : The tires of our bus blew winds of dry mud in the air. I distinctly remember two women walking barefoot in the scorching heat when we couldn’t even step down from our air-conditioned bus.  Example #2 : Our bus entered the rural village where we saw women and children roaming in the heat.  Which example is more effective? Which one paints a distinct picture of the scenario?  The first example is an ideal ‘show, don’t tell’ piece of writing where dry winds and walking barefoot in the scorching heat pop out and create a vivid picture.  Use adjectives and illustrate your story instead of stating things as a matter of fact like in Example #2.   Fill your page, then edit The 650-words limit is a cramped space to put forth your thoughts and story. Instead of writing the essay in the word limit, you can keep writing it until you’re done. Then, you can edit it and remove the unnecessary details and keep only the important ones.  Write your rough draft in a Word or Google doc and make the necessary edits there. After you have trimmed it to the specified word limit, copy and paste it into the box given on the website. You can also use tools like Grammarly to check and correct grammatical errors.    Read samples Sample essays are a great learning resource to compare your own essay with and learn the show-don’t-tell skill. Comparing your essay does not mean that someone else’s essay may be better than yours; everyone’s story is unique and therefore, cannot be compared. But sample essays will help you in comparing whether your essay is attention-grabbing and whether it conveys your true intentions. You can find eleven complete and original essays in Writing Impressive College Essays. These essays are written by Dr. Weinstein’s students who have got admission into prestigious colleges. Read a sample essay from the Writing Impressive College Essays book here. A Story About a Religious “Home” Effort, Gratification, Compassion As dawn breaks, I pull open a heavy, wooden door and walk down the stone floor of a dim hallway. The sound of steel and glass clinking together on a wobbling cart rolling through each hallway is one of the only sounds in a calm, quiet church. Another thick door swings open, and a bright light instantly illuminates a small kitchen. An assortment of bread is sorted onto a beautiful, shining silver dish and grape juice is squeezed into tiny clear glasses the size of one’s palm. I fill the stone goblets with more grape juice and I place a giant bread loaf onto another illustrious plate. These items crowd the cart as it wobbles into a massive, bright sanctuary filled with the angelic voices of the choir. I carefully assort this army of dishes and plates onto a table. I step back down the stoned floor and look up at the stained glass with Jesus looking down onto the table, feeling like I have accomplished something. Communion is ready for serving. Since first grade, I have done this bimonthly.  Preparing communion is not the only activity I have participated in at church. The congregation took notice of my effort, work and involvement. Two years ago they appointed me to be the youth elder on the Session, the church’s governing board. Serving as youth elder is an honor for me because I am serving the congregation. Adrenaline rushes into me every time I walk into the monthly meetings because I feel obligated to speak up for those in the congregation who are unable to be heard and strive to make the church a better place. For example, improving church safety and making plans to prevent mass shootings are things I consistently advocate for even when unease fills the room at the mention of the topics. As the only student present on Session, being around adults is something I learn from and enjoy. Persevering, working hard and being compassionate to others are things they taught me. Persistently advocating for issues during Session meetings, working hard to fix them and being positive have contributed to my maturity due to those interactions.  These experiences at church have prepared me for life outside of it as well. I am known for having a calm, kind and empathetic personality. Many people have come to me for help or advice, something that is a privilege because not everyone gains that level of trust. I remember sitting in a small group with a school counselor in a cozy, small room when someone shared a rough experience at home. I calmly spoke to her about it and tried to give her advice about what to do. For a while I remember the student consistently thanking me, because the advice I gave eased her situation. I am glad I impacted someone’s life in that way.  Church is where I feel at home. Few things are more relaxing than preparing communion, which taught me how to pay attention to detail and to be thorough. Being on the Session made me a self starter with a great work ethic. I plan to continue to employ this work ethic and I intend to bring the same positive attitude, sincerity and effort in the future and in whatever capacity I serve my community, so that I make a good impact.  Also read: ACT vs SAT: Which test should you take? Digital SAT - All You Need To Know About It All Questions Answered About The Digital SAT®
Boost Your Digital SAT Reading and Writing Score

Boost Your Digital SAT Reading and Writing Score: 8 Proven Tips with Examples

by Vibrant Publishers on Jun 07, 2023
Want to score a perfect 800 on the SAT Reading & Writing section? The SAT Reading & Writing section can be one of the most challenging parts of the test, as it tests critical reading, grammar, and reasoning skills to determine if you're college-ready. But here’s the good news: scoring well—even a perfect 800—is absolutely achievable! If you find yourself struggling to infer information from a passage, feeling lost among the countless grammar rules, or having trouble identifying the main idea, you’re not alone. In this blog, we’ll guide you through some proven strategies and tips to help you boost your SAT Reading & Writing score and move closer to that perfect 800.. But first, let’s understand some basics of the Reading and Writing section.   Question Types on the Digital SAT Reading + Writing Section:     The passages in the SAT Reading & Writing section are concise compared to the predecessor paper-and-pencil test, thanks to the discrete format of questions. The skills on which the students are tested have also undergone changes as the Digital SAT is more concerned with evaluating the reasoning and analytical abilities of students. The Reading & Writing section tests students in four domains: Information and Ideas, Craft and Structure, Expression of Ideas, and Standard English Conventions. But you don’t need to remember or focus on any of this information. What you do need to acquaint yourself with is the question types asked under each domain because you will be preparing to solve these questions. Information and Ideas: In this domain, the questions are based on the central idea of the passage given. This domain is further divided into three areas in which you will be tested.  Central Ideas and Details: This question type is divided into two types: Central Idea questions and Details questions. Central Idea questions will ask you to identify the main idea of a text, that is simply, what is the passage’s main topic. The main idea can be determined by choosing an option that summarizes the text most optimally. Details questions will ask you to identify a fact about a certain detail in the passage. Command of Evidence (Textual and Quantitative): Command of Evidence (Textual) questions will provide a (mostly) science-based passage and the question might ask you to choose an option that supports or refutes the claim or conclusion made in the passage. Quantitative questions will provide a graph/quantitative data in a table and a passage accompanying it. Here, you may have to choose an option to complete the last sentence of the passage or select a statement that supports or undermines the claim or conclusion made in the passage with the help of the given data. These questions test your ability to interpret data or textual evidence to answer questions. Inferences: Inference passages will present an experiment or facts about some phenomenon and the questions will ask you to choose the option that best concludes the passage. The conclusion should be the most plausible one supported by the facts from the passage. Craft and Structure: Craft and Structure questions test your ability to answer in-context questions, analyze the structure of a passage, and make reasonable connections between two texts. These questions are all about understanding the information in the passage and using your English language skills to answer questions. This domain asks questions from three areas: Words in Context: Words in Context questions are asked in two ways: one is where you will have to fill in a blank with the most appropriate choice and the second is where you will have to choose a word from the options that is most similar in meaning to an underlined word in the passage based on the context of the passage. Text Structure and Purpose: You will either be asked to select the main purpose of the text, select a choice that best describes the structure of the text, or state the function of an underlined text in a passage. Do not get confused between main idea questions and purpose questions. Purpose questions ask you the purpose or “why” a passage is written while main idea questions ask the main topic of the text. Recognizing the function of an underlined text means recognizing what role that sentence plays in the passage and structure questions need you to recognize how information in the passage is arranged. Cross-Text Connections: You will be given two texts – Text 1 and Text 2 – that discuss a similar topic. You will then be asked questions on the response of the author of Text 2 to the arguments/information provided in Text 1. Expression of Ideas: For questions in the domain, you will use your revision skills to improve the effectiveness of a written text or passage. This domain tests two skills: Rhetorical Synthesis: Rhetorical Synthesis questions test your synthesizing skills i.e. how well you pick and combine information to answer a specific question. You will be given some notes taken by a student on a particular topic and will need to answer a question synthesizing information from the notes. Transitions: Transitions questions require you to insert the most appropriate transition word that connects two sentences or phrases. Standard English Conventions: These questions will test your grammatical and editing skills. You will mainly play around with sentence structure, usage, and punctuation. The questions test the following areas: Boundaries: For Boundaries questions, you have to fill a blank with the most appropriate answer choice with the correct punctuation. Form, structure, and sense: Here, you will encounter several types of questions that test your sentence construction skills. Some areas that these questions test are plurals and possessives, subject-verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement, verb forms, and subject-modifier placement. Now that you have a basic idea of what you are going to encounter in the questions, let’s dive into some tips that will help you solve the SAT Reading & Writing questions easily.   Digital SAT Reading + Writing Tips:   1. Learn to identify the context and the main theme in a passage: Almost all questions on the Digital SAT are based on context. Even questions that require you to choose the correct punctuation mark require context. Therefore, practice recognizing the context and the main theme in all texts that you read. The main theme is usually the subject that is being discussed and you can easily identify it. Look for the subject that is being described, criticized, or expanded upon. For example, read this passage picked from Jane Austen’s novel, Sense and Sensibility. Elinor, this eldest daughter, whose advice was so effectual, possessed a strength of understanding, and coolness of judgment, which qualified her, though only nineteen, to be the counsellor of her mother, and enabled her frequently to counteract, to the advantage of them all, that eagerness of mind in Mrs. Dashwood which must generally have led to imprudence. She had an excellent heart;—her disposition was affectionate, and her feelings were strong; but she knew how to govern them: it was a knowledge which her mother had yet to learn; and which one of her sisters had resolved never to be taught. This passage describes Elinor’s qualities of coolness of judgment, her affectionate nature from a young age, and her maturity which led her to advise her mother on household matters. Thus, it can be said that the main theme of the passage is to expand upon Elinor’s maturity at a young age. 2. Recognize the question stems to answer questions quickly: SAT Reading & Writing questions have a pattern of question stems that they follow. For example, for Central Ideas and Details questions, the question stem is usually “What is the main idea of the text?” or “Which choice best states the main idea of the text?” Studying and learning to recognize question stems can help you avoid confusion between similar types of questions. Questions for Text Structure and Purpose questions ask questions like “Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?” which can be confusing at times as you may think it is asking for the central idea of the passage. 3. Work on your vocabulary: Though SAT tests your analytical and reasoning abilities, it also requires you to have a working knowledge of the English language. You need to have a strong vocabulary to answer the Reading & Writing questions. You can improve your vocabulary by reading books on diverse topics, articles, science journals, blogs, etc. Though reading fictional novels is a good way to enhance your vocabulary, reading nonfiction pieces will also greatly help you crack the SAT. How and why you ask? Because the Digital SAT does not only focus on literature; it includes passages from a variety of domains like science, history, social studies, etc. So, cultivate a habit of reading informative blogs, statistical reports, historical pieces, etc, to exercise your reasoning and analytical abilities. 4. Brush up on your grammar rules: Apart from working on developing a good vocabulary, brush up on your basic grammar rules. This does not mean that you learn intricate grammatical rules that can even confuse a good writer. You just need to revisit and be thorough on your school lessons on different parts of speech, tenses, verb forms, punctuation, sentence structures, etc. Knowing basic grammar rules will help you to quickly answer questions related to grammar and structure as you will recognize the correct option at a glance. 5. Avoid choices that include extreme words: To trick the student, SAT uses extreme words in the options that might not be used in the passage. For example, a passage mentions that there is a traffic jam on the National Highway most of the time in a week while an option could say something like: The National Highway is always packed with traffic. The use of an extreme word like “always” suggests that the highway is filled with traffic all the time while the passage only mentions that there is a traffic jam on the highway “most of the time” but not “always”. Find tips like these in Vibrant’s newly launched book, Digital SAT Supreme Guide which is a complete guide for SAT test takers. It includes detailed concept explanations, strategies and tips to solve questions, drill questions to practice, and two full-length tests. 6. Beware of transition words: Many times, to confuse the reader, a passage may start with a particular view but in between, the author proposes an opposing view to the idea by using transition words like “on the contrary”, “however”, “on the other hand”. This change in the passage often goes unnoticed and the reader might confuse the main theme of the passage with the one expressing the initial view. To answer most of the SAT questions, you need to actively think and look for clues that indicate what the passage is pointing at. 7. Don’t assume: A common error that students commit while solving SAT Reading & Writing questions is that they forget that they won’t require any outside information to answer questions. An answer choice may seem possible but look closer to check if it includes facts given in the passage. If not, eliminate that choice. 8. Practice, practice, practice: All these tips are not useful if you don’t put them into practice. Getting a lot of practice trains your brain to spot the correct answer faster. Vibrant Publishers’ Digital SAT Resources are a whole package that will give you more than enough practice by exposing you to a variety of questions that are exactly like the actual SAT. Our resources have a bank of 2000+ questions on Reading & Writing and Math that will help you reach the perfect score and get into the college of your choice. Find a broad range of practice questions on the different domains and question types in the Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Questions book.  Practice using a pool of 300+ math questions from the Digital SAT Math Practice Questions book.  Attempt five full-length practice tests in the modular format from the Practice Tests For The Digital SAT book.   Join our WhatsApp group to get access to free practice questions daily        Also read - All Questions Answered About The Digital SAT® Check out the Digital SAT Crash Course.
How Vibrant’s Digital SAT Books Can Help Tutors - Vibrant Publishers

How Vibrant’s Digital SAT Books Can Help Tutors

by Vibrant Publishers on May 24, 2023
The digital SAT has caused a stir among students preparing for it and also among tutors/teachers helping them prepare for it. The new SAT will now be a Multi-stage Adaptive Test with two modules per section. Though the Math section remains pretty much the same (except that calculators are now allowed for the entire section), the Verbal section has changed a lot. It will only have one section called the Reading and Writing section and instead of long passages with multiple corresponding questions, it will have short and discreet passages and questions. You can read an extensive explanation of the changed testing pattern and specifications here. With the SAT going digital outside the US in 2023, there was a dearth of practice resources for students and tutors. So, Vibrant Publishers released the first-ever digital SAT practice resources: Practice Tests For The Digital SAT, Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Questions, Digital SAT Math Practice Questions, Mock Test #1, and Mock Test #2. These resources compile 1000+ practice questions, answer explanations, and distractor explanations for the Reading and Writing and Math sections. Along with these resources, Vibrant Publishers is adding a new book – Digital SAT Supreme Guide – to an already vast expanse of resources for the Digital SAT. The book is an all-inclusive guide for students and tutors alike. The book is filled with lucid explanations, ample practice drills, full-length tests, and much more. Request the Advance Review Copy of the book on Netgalley to have an early look at the book. The book is going to be out in September 2024! If you’re a tutor, these resources will be assets in preparing your pupils for the new test. Read on to find out how you can make the most out of them.   Instruct and Inform Before beginning to gear up your students for the digital SAT, you may need to explain to them the new MST model, various question domains for the Reading and Writing and Math sections, go still deeper to explain each skill/knowledge (sub-categories in the domains), and the tests’ other features. For this, you can use the dedicated introductory chapters in each book to give your students a thorough understanding of the digital SAT. You can elaborate on each question type with a supporting sample question too. This extensive explanation will lay a strong foundation for further teaching.   Give Comprehensive Practice With a huge bank of 1000+ practice questions at your disposal, you can give comprehensive practice to your students. These questions can be used in different ways to cater to different needs – as model and practice questions for teaching a particular topic, for curating specialized tests, for giving module-wise practice tests from Practice Tests For The Digital SAT, and even for using them as home assignments.   Use Questions for Structured Practice The two practice questions books can be used to practice each question type asked in the Reading and Writing and Math sections of the new test. These resources will enable you to give a structured practice to your students. The explanations for the correct as well as incorrect choices can be used to elaborate on how to arrive at the right answer and eliminate the wrong ones.The difficulty-wise segregation is also a plus point if you want to first give practice of easy questions and then slowly move on to medium and difficult ones.    Test with Full-length Mock Tests After finishing the practice phase, instill confidence in your students with five full-length practice tests that are replicas of the real SAT. Providing practice tests will reveal a student’s weak areas and will give them a chance to work on and improve them. The full-length Mock Tests can be utilized when the test day is near. For these Mock Tests, you can time your students and encourage them to complete the tests within the specified time limit of the digital SAT. The tests will also reinforce the teachings and give an authentic testing experience.  Happy Teaching!   Join our WhatsApp group to get access to free practice questions daily 
5 Practice Tests For Digital SAT

5 Practice Tests to Become Digital SAT-Ready

by Vibrant Publishers on May 24, 2023
It is true to state that a student’s level of preparation for the digital SAT will immensely contribute to his/her outstanding success in the exam. This is why you are encouraged to take advantage of all helpful practice tests to become digital SAT-ready. Instead of leaving things to fate, you must be willing to do the necessary work by spending time every day to engage in pre-digital SAT preparations using some appropriate digital SAT practice tests’ books   The Benefits of Online Digital SAT Preparations The Vibrant Publishers’ “Practice Tests for the Digital SAT” remains a leading digital SAT practice tests’ book that students use in many countries to achieve high scores in their digital SAT exams. More so, they also utilize other Vibrant Publishers’ digital SAT books such as “Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Questions” and “Digital SAT Math Practice Questions'' to familiarize themselves with the appropriate digital SAT questions. Using the combination of these Top 3 Digital SAT books for your digital SAT prep will endow you with the following great benefits:   Faster accessibility: They are in an eBook format and can be accessed on all platforms including on your computer, laptop, or even on your smartphone. Invariably, you can practice for your digital SAT test on the go! Practice Tests for the Digital SAT: This book contains 5 practice tests with each section divided into two modules, 490+ Questions with varying levels of difficulty, verbal and math questions crafted according to the new guidelines, and detailed answer explanations and distractor explanations to help you grasp the most important points about the digital SAT test. As a matter of fact, the distractor explanations will teach you how to analyze the incorrect answers in digital SAT tests.  Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Questions: Using this book as your primary prep book for digital SAT Reading and Writing study guide you will be able to achieve a high score in Digital SAT Reading and Writing. Interestingly enough, the book will introduce you to 300 Reading and Writing questions drawn from different domains. You will also learn how to properly answer questions under the digital SAT Reading and Writing Section. Digital SAT Math Practice Questions: You will learn about the latest Digital SAT Math question format, test structure, scoring process, etc. from this book. More so, it contains 300 Math Practice Questions chosen from a variety of domains and difficulty levels preset by the College Board, the body that administers the digital SAT suite of tests. Take advantage of the answer explanations and distractor explanations for each question provided in this book to train yourself about the best approach for answering the digital SAT test questions.    Vibrant Publishers’ Digital SAT Practice Course     It is a fact that not all students can afford to attend extracurricular classes while preparing for their digital SAT exam. This was why Vibrant Publishers decided to come to the rescue of such students by creating this affordable Digital SAT Practice Course. If you are one of those students, you have got a lot to gain from Vibrant Publishers’ Digital SAT Practice Course. It consists of the top 3 digital SAT  books used worldwide by students. They are: “Practice Tests for the Digital SAT”, “Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Questions”, and “Digital SAT Math Practice Questions”. You can attempt this course at your own speed and learn diligently in order to ace your digital SAT score without struggling with the exam for a long time. As the saying goes, “The best way to predict the future is to create it!” If you are interested in getting the highest digital SAT score at your testing center, why not give this Digital SAT Practice Course a try now? The top 3 books for digital SAT discussed in this blog are parts of Vibrant Publishers’ Test Prep series which test preparations simple for test takers of SAT, ACT, GRE, and GMAT. As a disclaimer, SAT® is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, these products.   Join our WhatsApp group to get access to free practice questions daily      Also read: All Questions Answered About The Digital SAT® Digital SAT - Reading and Writing Section Domains and Tips  Digital SAT Preparation Books to Ace Your Score Top 3 Digital SAT Preparation Books for 2023  
Best Digital SAT Reading and Writing Book - Vibrant Publishers

The Best SAT Reading and Writing Prep Book for the Digital SAT

by Vibrant Publishers on May 23, 2023
It is generally believed that students who performed brilliantly in their digital SAT Reading and Writing section did so because they spent a lot of time practicing for it. More so, by utilizing the best SAT Reading and Writing prep book for the digital SAT, they were able to discover some best techniques for answering digital SAT reading and writing questions.    Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Vibrant Publishers’ Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Questions is regarded by many students as the best SAT reading and writing prep book for the digital SAT. It offers the much-needed information and practical guidelines you will ever need as far as the digital SAT reading and writing test is concerned. More so, it contains: 300 Reading and Writing digital questions that you can practice with Questions that are drawn from different domains in digital SAT Detailed answer explanations and distractor explanations Questions that cut across different levels of difficulty   Digital SAT Reading and Writing Tips Highlighted below are some helpful tips or strategies you can use to increase your overall digital SAT reading and writing score: Eliminate the wrong answers first; that will leave you with the correct answer. In case there are two answers that appear to be correct, choose ONLY the answer you think is more appropriate. Apply grammar rules in selecting the best answers. In other words, eliminate answers that you judge to be grammatically incorrect. If you want to improve your performance on passage/paragraph questions, it is advisable that you read the passages/paragraphs quickly and understandably before you start answering the applicable questions. If you find a passage to be very difficult to understand, move on to the next passage because you cannot afford to waste any time during your digital SAT test. Increase your digital SAT reading comprehension speed by practicing with the best digital SAT reading books, such as Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Questions. Don’t forget to also time yourself so that you can monitor your reading speed as it gradually improves over time. Do all the sample reading and writing practices in the book.   Vibrant Publishers’ Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Questions is like a digital SAT cheat sheet that will expose you to all the useful tricks and approaches you will ever need to significantly increase your digital SAT reading and writing score. Get your copy today and get ready to ace your digital SAT reading and writing score Self-Paced Digital SAT Crash Course: This self-paced Vibrant Publisher’s Digital SAT Crash Course is made up of the top 3 digital SAT preparation books, namely “Practice Tests for the Digital SAT”, “Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Questions”, and “Digital SAT Math Practice Questions”. The great thing about this highly helpful course is that you can study at your pace—it is the only course you will ever need to pass your digital SAT test with a high score! The three books mentioned in this blog are part of Vibrant Publishers’ Test Prep series which makes test preparations easier for test takers of SAT, ACT, GRE, and GMAT. As a disclaimer, SAT® is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, these products.   Join our WhatsApp group to get access to free practice questions daily   Also read: All Questions Answered About The Digital SAT® Digital SAT - Reading and Writing Section Domains and Tips  Digital SAT Preparation Books to Ace Your Score Top 3 Digital SAT Preparation Books for 2023  
The Best SAT Math Prep Book for the Digital SAT - Vibrant Publishers

Best Digital SAT Math Prep Book

by Vibrant Publishers on May 14, 2023
Have you been consistently looking for ways to improve your digital SAT math score? Now you have the unique opportunity to tremendously enhance your performance and eventually obtain the highest digital SAT math score in your testing center. The truth is that this would require some effort on your part, starting from buying the best SAT math prep book for the digital SAT to practicing some related digital SAT math exercises in the book. A book like “Digital SAT Math Practice Questions”, by Vibrant Publishers can help you accomplish the following goals as you diligently prepare for your digital SAT math test: Using this best SAT math prep book for the digital SAT, you can master the kinds of questions you can expect to see in your digital SAT math test. You can discover better and more efficient strategies or methods for solving all digital SAT math problems/questions. You will be able to perfect your knowledge of the main digital SAT math concepts. You will be able to sharpen your math skill by comparing the answers in the book with your own calculations. If, at any time, you notice some differences in the methods used in the book to do some math calculations, you can update yourself with those better and more correct approaches for solving math problems.   How to Practice for the Digital SAT Math? Many students taking the digital SAT math test often ask this very important question. Well, if you are exploring how to improve your digital SAT math score, it would be advisable that you pay serious attention to these essential steps: Purchase the best SAT math prep book for the digital SAT. Do the test practices available in the book a few times a week. Use a timer to detect your speed of answering math questions; by doing this, you will be able to know the average time you are spending on each question. One of the best techniques for increasing your speed is to answer the simple questions you understand first. After that, you can attempt the more difficult ones. Review your answers and know the rationale or reasons behind each digital SAT math question. By doing this, you could improve your knowledge of the relevant mathematical logic common in the digital SAT test. Never stop practicing until you have fully grasped the fundamental, useful math skills you will need to achieve a high score in your digital SAT math.   Self-Study Digital SAT Crash Course: The Vibrant Publisher’s Self-Study Digital SAT Crash Course consists of three books, namely “Practice Tests for the Digital SAT”, “Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Questions”, and “Digital SAT Math Practice Questions” These three books will introduce you to the basics of SAT test and systematically guide you throughout your preparations for digital SAT Reading and Writing and Math sections. The three books discussed in this blog are parts of Vibrant Publisher’s Test Prep series which simplify test preparations for test takers of SAT, ACT, GRE, and GMAT. As a disclaimer, SAT® is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, these products.   Also read: All Questions Answered About The Digital SAT® Digital SAT - Reading and Writing Section Domains and Tips  Digital SAT Preparation Books to Ace Your Score Top 3 Digital SAT Preparation Books for 2023
Digital SAT Preparation Books to Ace Your Score

Digital SAT Preparation Books to Ace Your Score

by Vibrant Publishers on May 10, 2023
If you are looking for the best books for digital SAT preparation to ace your score, pay attention to the following important criteria. In your best interest, go for the best digital SAT preparation books that offer: Realistic practice: The books must contain realistic practice exercises that are similar in context and structure to the actual digital SAT questions. By attempting these questions during your preparations, you will be able to acquire useful knowledge and skills necessary to boost your confidence. When you are confident about your ability to pass the digital SAT test, it will be easy like a breeze to ace your desirable SAT score. Expert guidance: In addition to answering the questions in the digital SAT practice books, they must also contain some expert guidance. In other words, the books should offer concrete and actionable steps on how to successfully tackle the digital SAT questions. Most digital SAT exam preparation books written by experts who are knowledgeable about the exam provide all the necessary information you need to pass the digital SAT with a high score. Strategies to ace your score: Pre-digital SAT preparation books should expose you to some useful strategies that can dramatically increase your overall SAT score. Some of the practical advice you may find in the best digital SAT preparation online books include: Knowing how to create a realistic SAT study schedule Learning how to identify and use only quality preparation materials Understanding how to increase your reading and calculation speed Improving your ability to quickly spot and correct mistakes during the test Learning how to eliminate incorrect answers from the available options   Vibrant Publishers’ Digital SAT Preparation Books What separates the Vibrant Publishers’ digital SAT preparation books from the others out there are that: The books are specifically prepared to help you ace your digital SAT score They contain practice questions that are designed by experts on digital SAT The books provide appropriate answer explanations and distractor explanations for all the SAT practice questions Overall, it empowers you to approach the digital SAT with confidence   Best Digital SAT Preparation Course The Vibrant Publishers’ digital SAT preparation course is designed to empower you in all areas of your SAT test, thereby making it possible for you to ace your desirable SAT score. This helpful digital SAT preparation course comes in the form of a combo that comprises three equally complementary books, namely, “Practice Tests for the Digital SAT”, “Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Questions”, and “Digital SAT Math Practice Questions”.  What are you still waiting for? Get your digital preparation books now and start immersing yourself in them and position yourself for outstanding success in your digital SAT. It is usually advisable for students to start preparing for their digital SAT exam several weeks before taking the test. This will afford you the opportunity of acquiring enough skills and knowledge to ace your digital SAT score with ease.  The books mentioned in this blog are parts of Vibrant Publishers’ Test Prep series which simplify test preparations for test takers of SAT, ACT, GRE, and GMAT. As a disclaimer, SAT® is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, these products.   Join our WhatsApp group to get access to free practice questions daily    Also read: All Questions Answered About The Digital SAT® Digital SAT - Reading and Writing Section Domains and Tips    
Top 3 Digital SAT Preparation Books for 2023 - Vibrant Publishers

Top 3 Digital SAT Preparation Books for 2023

by Vibrant Publishers on Apr 20, 2023
The secret to achieving high digital SAT scores is to intentionally prepare for the test. And the best approach to doing this is to use the best digital SAT prep books in town. Highlighted below are the Top 3 Digital SAT Preparation Books for 2023 that successful digital SAT test takers are currently utilizing to obtain brilliant results.   Discovering The Top 3 Digital SAT Preparation Books for 2023 Produced by Vibrant Publishers, these top 3 digital SAT study books for 2023 will increase your confidence in achieving high digital SAT scores in your coming test.     Practice Tests for the Digital SAT®: This book contains all the necessary information you will ever need to do exceedingly well in your Digital SAT. Here are some of the things that you will discover in this very helpful book: 5 practice tests with each section divided into two modules 490+ questions with varying levels of difficulty Verbal and Math questions crafted according to the new guidelines Detailed answer explanations to get a deeper understanding of questions Distractor explanations for analyzing the incorrect answers Exhaustive information on the exam pattern, question formats, and test-taking experience of the Digital SAT   Digital SAT® Reading and Writing Practice Questions: With this book as your sole SAT study guide for the Reading and Writing section, you can dramatically achieve a high score in it. The book is filled with all the essential details and steps for approaching the Reading and Writing section of the Digital SAT with a winning mindset. Some of the benefits of this book include but are not limited to: Practicing with a bank of 300 Reading and Writing questions Getting exposed to a variety of questions from different domains Enhancing the learning process with detailed answer explanations and distractor explanations Attempting and improving at solving questions of various difficulty levels Familiarizing yourself with the latest information about the Digital SAT   Digital SAT® Math Practice Questions: If you are one of those students struggling to obtain a high score in the Math section of the digital SAT then this book is for you. It comes with: The latest information on the question format, test structure, scoring process, etc of the Digital SAT 300 Math Practice Questions for comprehensive practice Questions from a variety of domains preset by the College Board Exhaustive answer explanations and distractor explanations for each question Questions with varying difficulty levels    Digital SAT Crash Course: This well-designed, Vibrant Publishers’ Digital SAT Crash Course comprises the three above-mentioned books, namely “Practice Tests for the Digital SAT®”, “Digital SAT® Reading and Writing Practice Questions”, and “Digital SAT® Math Practice Questions”. When studied together, these three helpful books will expose you to the basics of the digital SAT and empower you to clinch high SAT scores in your Reading and Writing, and Math sections.   Why Top 3 Digital SAT Preparation Books for 2023? If you are wondering why “Practice Tests for the Digital SAT®”, “Digital SAT® Reading and Writing Practice Questions”, and “Digital SAT® Math Practice Questions” are considered the Top 3 Digital SAT Preparation Books for 2023, the following facts will encourage you to lay your hand on these books in order to increase your chance of passing your Digital SAT test with flying colors: The practice questions in the books are prepared by SAT experts with many years of experience in the field.  The books are specifically designed to walk you, step by step, through all the requirements and skills necessary for mastering every aspect of the digital SAT and answering the test questions to the best of your ability. The simulated tests and the tips provided in these three books will help expand your knowledge or understanding of the digital SAT and possibly enhance your speed and certainty of answering Digital SAT questions.   These three books are parts of Vibrant Publishers’ Test Prep series which simplify test preparations for test takers of SAT, ACT, GRE, and GMAT. As a disclaimer, SAT® is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, these products.   Join our WhatsApp group to get access to free practice questions daily    Also read: Digital SAT - All You Need To Know About It All Questions Answered About The Digital SAT® Digital SAT - Reading and Writing Section Domains and Tips
All Questions Answered About The Digital SAT®

All Questions Answered About The Digital SAT®

by Vibrant Publishers on Apr 20, 2023
This digital SAT blog answers all the questions about the digital SAT scores, format, registration details, test dates, time limit, question types and much more. If you’re reading this blog, it is likely that you have a ton of questions about the digital SAT® and are looking for accurate answers. Worry not; you have come to the right place. After reading this blog, all your doubts about the digital SAT will be cleared and you will have a better understanding of the new test. This blog answers about the following: Difference between the paper SAT and digital SAT Digital SAT new format Is the Digital SAT adaptive? Test Time limit Digital SAT scoring Types of questions asked in the Reading and Writing section Types of questions asked in the Math section Official practice resources available for the digital SAT Additional resources available for digital SAT practice Essay section: Included or not? Can Digital SAT be taken at home? Breaks in the digital exam Exam Dates How to register for the digital SAT Registration fee for the digital SAT   What are the major differences between the paper and digital SAT? Apart from the most important change of the test going digital, there are significant changes and differences in administering the test too. An on-screen calculator will be provided for the Math section. An on-screen timer will be provided so that you can keep track of your time. You will be able to flag your unattempted questions and can come back to them later. But note that you cannot go back to the previous module. You will receive your SAT scores faster. You can use your own device for the test or request one from the College Board. The test will be conducted 7 times a year.   What is the new format of the digital SAT? The new digital SAT will be divided into two sections: Reading and Writing and Math.  These sections will be further divided into two modules. The Reading and Writing section will have 54 questions out of which 4 will be pretest questions and the Math section will have 44 questions including 4 pretest questions. The new test will be Multi-stage Adaptive.   What is Multi-stage Adaptive Testing in SAT? In the paper-and-pencil SAT, questions were preset regardless of a student’s performance. The difficulty level of questions was also preset so students didn’t get a fair testing experience. That is why, in the digital test, the College Board has introduced the Multi-stage Adaptive Testing model. In this model, sections are divided into two modules, and questions in the second module are modified according to the performance of the student in the first module.   What is the time limit for the digital SAT? The new test is shorter compared to the paper test. The paper test is 3 hours and 45 minutes long which is difficult for most students to sit for. Thanks to the shift to the digital mode, the digital SAT will be only 2 hours and 14 minutes long. You will be given 64 minutes for the Reading and Writing section and 70 minutes to solve the Math section.   How will the new SAT be scored? The scoring parameters will be the same for the new test. You will be scored on a scale between 400-1600. The main difference in the scoring process is that now you will receive your scores faster. Previously it took months to get your SAT scores, but now, you will get them in a matter of weeks.     What kind of questions will be asked in the Reading and Writing section of the digital SAT? The passages have become much shorter in the new test with a word limit of 150 words. They will cover various topics like prose fiction, poetry, drama, literary nonfiction, history, social studies, humanities, science, etc. The questions in this section will be based on four content domains - Information and Ideas, Craft and Structure, Expression of Ideas, and Standard English Conventions. This means that you will be tested on your ability to identify the key idea of the passage, choose the most suitable answer choice for a passage, interpret the purpose and main idea of a passage or poem, etc. What kind of questions will be asked in the digital SAT Math section? The Math section will now have more questions on geometry and trigonometry and will incorporate real-world problems. The questions will be shorter with the majority of them being fewer than 50 words. You will mainly be asked questions on four domains of math - Algebra, Advanced Math, Problem Solving and Data Analysis, and Geometry and Trigonometry. In this section, you will be asked to solve algebraic equations, interpret the data in graphs and figures, analyze problems, etc.   Are there any official practice resources available for the digital SAT? How do I prepare for the digital SAT? The College Board has provided sample questions for the Reading and Writing and Math sections. Khan Academy provides detailed lessons on each type of question with interactive videos. To get hands-on experience with the test, the College Board also provides 4 practice tests in their Bluebook software. These tests are non-adaptive but will give you a gist of the digital testing experience.   Are there any additional resources for practicing for the digital SAT? The official resources may not be sufficient to prepare for the test. To appear for the test, you need to practice and practice some more. Vibrant has a collection of 1100 SAT practice questions through which you can get better at answering questions and score higher. The questions are compiled into 3 books that will be launched in March 2023.     Book 1: The book, Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Questions is a compilation of 300 practice questions with detailed answer explanations for each question. Book 2: Practice Tests For The Digital SAT is a set of 5 practice tests that are curated to give you a true experience of the test and make you well-versed with its format and question types. Book 3: Digital SAT Math Practice Questions comprises 300 math practice questions along with detailed answer explanations and distractor explanations. These practice questions, though not in the digital format, are a great way for you to practice and get well-versed with all types of questions that will be asked in the test.   Will the digital SAT have an essay? No, the digital SAT will not have an essay. The SAT essay was scrapped from the linear test in 2021 and will not be a part of the digital test.   Can you take the digital SAT at home? The digital SAT will not be allowed to be taken from home. The test will be administered in a testing center with a proctor only. You can find out SAT test centers in your country by clicking here.  If you can’t find an official SAT test center near you, the College Board also has a customer service number for assistance.   Will there be any breaks in the digital SAT? You will get a 10-minute break between the Reading and Writing and Math sections. You will only have one break in between the test as the duration of the test has become shorter significantly. In the paper SAT, students got 3 breaks between the test.    When can I take the digital SAT? International students can appear for the SAT from 2023. Below are the dates released by the College Board for students appearing for it in 2023.     How to register for the digital SAT? Go to and sign in to your account. If you don’t have an account, create one. Click on the ‘Register Now’ option for the SAT and fill in your details. Choose your test center and test date. Upload your photograph. Pay the registration fee and you’re done!   What is the registration fee for the digital SAT? The registration fee for U.S. students is $60. For non-US residents, a regional fee of $49 is levied so they have to pay $109 in total. If you are taking the SAT in India, the UK, Singapore, Malaysia, etc, you will have to pay the regional fee.   Conclusion Remember that SAT is not necessarily a test of your vocabulary or mathematical aptitude; it’s rather a test of your problem-solving and comprehension skills. So focus on getting a deeper and more thorough understanding of the question types. As with any change, preparing for the digital SAT will be a little chaotic in the beginning but  by solving the practice questions for the digital SAT, you will be well-prepared to ace the exam. Stay tuned to our blogs to get the most relevant and latest information and resources about the digital SAT. Join our WhatsApp group to get access to free practice questions daily 
ACT vs SAT: Which test should you take?

ACT vs SAT: Which test should you take?

by Kristie Beck on Jan 02, 2023
High school heralds the advent of anxiety-inducing decisions for students and parents alike. Everything from social events to service projects and academic choices to extracurricular involvement carries weight, not just in the present moment, but on that ever-looming college application. In my experience over the past 30 years in secondary education, one question that surfaces with regularity is whether a student should take the ACT or the SAT. Parents who think back to their own experiences with these tests in high school may have outdated perspectives, thinking that the SAT still deducts ¼ of a point for a wrong answer (it doesn’t) or that certain colleges only accept a certain test (they don’t). Let’s break down the differences and see how a student can decide which test is right for them.     Which test do colleges prefer? There is no preference. It’s true. All colleges in the US will accept either the SAT or the ACT, with no bias towards those who choose one test or the other. Choose the test that’s better for you/your student.     What are the structural differences between the SAT and ACT? Multiple differences make the two tests quite different. For many students, one test is a better match for their skill sets than the other test. Let’s look at the basic structure of each test.     ACT Sections SAT Sections English English (called Writing & Language) Reading Reading Math Math – no calculator Science Math – with calculator     Immediately, one difference is evident: the SAT has more math. For students who are math-averse, the SAT already may not be the better choice. A closer look at the math sections will give us even better insights.     ACT Math SAT Math 60 problems 58 problems Calculator allowed for all problems. No calculator: 20 questions Calculator: 38 questions All multiple choice 45 multiple choice problems 13 open-ended problems     This chart alone is enough to make many math-averse students choose the ACT. Students preparing for the SAT need to be ready to attack an entire math section without a calculator, and additionally, they need to be ready to produce answers without the benefit of multiple choices offering them the opportunity to guess. Structure alone, though, should not be the sole factor in considering which test to take.   You may want to check out the following books   Math Practice Tests for the ACT Digital SAT Math Practice Questions     What are the timing differences between the SAT and ACT? The ACT is a much faster-paced test, and many students struggle with the time crunch.     ACT Timing SAT Sections English 75 questions/45 minutes = 36 seconds each English 44 questions/35 minutes = 48 seconds each Reading 40 questions/35 minutes = 52 seconds each Reading 52 questions/65 minutes = 75 seconds each Math 60 questions/60 minutes = 60 seconds each Math – no calc 20 questions/25 minutes = 75 seconds each Science 40 questions/35 minutes = 52 seconds each Math – with calc 38 questions/55 minutes = 86 seconds each     Consider the pace of that ACT Reading section. 52 seconds for each question…and that doesn’t even include reading any of the four reading passages.   So, while students preparing for the SAT have specific challenges in preparing for all the math involved, students preparing for the ACT have to make plans – and practice – for the time crunch that the ACT involves. Reading, in particular, is difficult to manage in the time assigned.     What are the content differences between the SAT and ACT? On the English/Writing & Language sections, the content is overwhelmingly the same. Conventions of Standard English (as the ACT calls them) are tested: comma rules, semicolons, subject-verb agreement, dangling modifiers, dependent and independent clauses. Other questions in this section involve “Production of Writing” and “Knowledge of Language” on the ACT and “Command of Evidence” on the SAT. Preparation for both tests is largely the same. The rules that apply to success on one test will also translate to success on the other test.  The ACT has 75 questions, though, so if this isn’t a strength for you, the ACT may feel overwhelming.   On the Reading sections, the content is, again, much the same. The SAT gives students more time, but the passages are on a higher (and more difficult) reading level. ACT Reading passages might be easier to read, but with less time to process them, they still offer a substantial challenge. The questions are mostly similar: big-picture questions (main idea, theme, point of view) and detail-oriented questions (evidence, vocabulary in context).   What about Science? The ACT has a Science section, but the SAT does not. It’s important to note that ACT Science isn’t really a “science test.”  Because school curricula vary so widely, ACT does not attempt to assess any student’s science knowledge; therefore, it’s not helpful to “study” science in preparation for this test.  The ACT Science section really tests a student’s ability to reason through a scientific reading passage that is accompanied by charts, graphs, tables, and figures to help illustrate that scientific blurb.  It’s more like another Reading section than anything. All answers can be found in the passage. A student does not need to come to the Science section with anything more than very basic science knowledge. On the SAT, a few passages in the Reading section will be like this: scientific topics with accompanying visual graphics.   In the Math sections, each of the two tests has a slightly different focus. The top five topics of mathematics on the ACT are (1) pre-algebra/number theory, (2) area/volume, (3) proportions, (4) angles/trig, and (5) quadratic equations. The top five topics of mathematics on the SAT are (1) slope, (2) quadratic equations, (3) algebra, (4) proportions, and (5) systems of equations.   A student should assess their own math strengths and weaknesses to determine which test would better suit their natural skills.     So… which test should you take? You should take the test that is the better fit for your skill set, your ability to self-manage your time within the parameters of the test, and your calendar (since the tests are often given in offsetting months).  Colleges will take your scores from either test!   Remember, though, that no matter which test you choose, it’s only one measure that colleges consider. They will also look at all the work you’ve done in arts, athletics, leadership, extra-curricular activities, community service, and more. Choose the test that is most likely to reflect your abilities, prepare for it, and do your best!   Checkout all Books for SAT & ACT By Vibrant Publishers here   Author Bio Kristie Beck has 30 years of experience in teaching and leading high school students. With an M.Ed. since 1999 and an EdD nearly complete, she loves using her experience and education to help her savvy students reach their goals. She has six children of her own, she knows first-hand how difficult and stressful the college admissions process can be. Over the years, she has developed unique and effective test preparation strategies, so that each and every student can make improvements to their score, no matter where they’re starting or what their learning style. She started Savvy Strategies in 2017 and has helped hundreds of students earn higher scores on the ACT and SAT.          
Digital SAT - All You Need To Know About It

Digital SAT - All You Need To Know About It

by Vibrant Publishers on Dec 30, 2022
  With everything being digitized - from payments, the education sector, and even our door locks, the SAT has decided to go digital too!   The College Board has decided to transform the famous pencil-and-paper test into a fully digital one and has also introduced a new testing model called Multistage Adaptive Testing. The Digital SAT will be administered internationally from 2023 and in the US from 2024.   There will be major changes in the format of the test but the scoring parameters will remain the same. The College Board’s decision to go digital is based on giving a fair testing experience to students. The digital test will be easier to take, easier to give, will be more secure, and more relevant.   From multistage adaptive testing to lesser questions, let’s look at what will be changing!     Reading and Writing section  Currently, the SAT has two different verbal sections - Evidence-based Reading and Writing & Language. The test follows linear testing where all the questions are set prior to the test. In this method, the difficulty levels of questions vary throughout. This is a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach as all the students have to appear for similar questions of varying difficulty.   The digital SAT will only have one Reading and Writing section with a Multistage Adaptive Testing (MST) model and two modules. This means that the questions in the second module of the section will be modified as per the performance of the student in the first module. Adaptive testing will ensure that students get questions according to their level of achievement and are not given either too easy or too difficult questions.   In the first module, students will be given questions spanning easy, medium, and hard. In the second module, they will be given a mix of questions of varying difficulty based on their performance in the first module.   Currently, this section has 66 operational questions in total and students are given 78 minutes to answer them. The new SAT will only have 50 operational questions, 4 pretest questions (total of 54 questions), and a time frame of 54 minutes to answer them. The pretest (unscored) questions will be included to test the efficacy of questions and student responses.     Comparison between the Reading and Writing section of Linear SAT and Digital SAT   Characteristic Linear SAT Digital SAT Testing model Linear testing Multistage Adaptive Testing (MST) Number of questions Module 1 - 33 operational questions Module 2 - 33 operational questions Module 1 - 25 operational questions, 2 pretest questions Module 2 - 25 operational questions, 2 pretest questions Time allotted 78 minutes 54 minutes Content domains Reading: Information and Ideas (30–40%), Rhetoric (30–40%), Synthesis (20–30%) Writing and Language: Expression of Ideas (55%), Standard English Conventions (45%)"   Information and Ideas (≈26%), Craft and Structure (≈28%), Expression of Ideas (≈20%), Standard English Conventions (≈26%)   Passage/context topics and question distribution U.S. and world literature (prose fiction; Reading only), careers (Writing and Language only), history/social studies, humanities (Writing and Language only), science   Literature (prose fiction, poetry, drama, literary nonfiction), history/ social studies, humanities, science)   Average time per question 1.19 minutes 1.19 minutes     Vibrant’s upcoming book Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Questions is a collection of 300 practice questions according to the new guidelines of the College Board. All questions come with detailed answers and distractor explanations and are sorted according to their domains and difficulty levels.      Math section Similar to the Reading and Writing section, the Math section will also follow the MST model where the questions in the second module will depend on the performance of the student in the first module.   The paper-based math section has 54 operational questions that have to be answered in 86 minutes. The new SAT will have 40 operational questions and 4 pretest questions. With a lesser number of questions, students will be required to complete this section in 70 minutes.   A major change in the new format is that students will be allowed to use a calculator for both modules. In the current format, the first module is a ‘no calculator’ section whereas the second module allows the use of a calculator.       Comparison between the Math section of Linear SAT and Digital SAT   Characteristic Linear SAT Digital SAT Testing model Linear testing Multistage Adaptive Testing (MST) Number of questions Module 1 - 27 operational questions Module 2 - 27 operational questions Module 1 - 20 operational questions, 2 pretest questions Module 2 - 20 operational questions, 2 pretest questions Time allotted 86 minutes 70 minutes  Content domains and question distribution Heart of Algebra (33%), Passport to Advanced Math (29%), Problem Solving and Data Analysis (29%), Additional Topics in Math (10%)   Algebra (≈35%), Advanced Math (≈35%), Problem Solving and Data Analysis (≈15%), Geometry and Trigonometry (≈15%)   Passage/context topics and question distribution Social studies, science, real-world problem-solving   Social studies, science, real-world problem-solving   Average time per question 1.59 minutes 1.59 minutes   Vibrant’s Digital SAT Math Practice Questions is one of the first books to give the latest prep resources for the Math section of the new SAT. The book contains 300 math practice questions along with detailed answer explanations. The questions are arranged according to their difficulty levels and domains.   Scoring The scoring process is one of the aspects that will remain unchanged. The digital test will be on a 400-1600 scale.     Frequency of the test The new SAT will be conducted 7 times a year instead of 5 times.     Time The Digital SAT will be 2 hours 14 minutes long as compared to the linear one which is 2 hours 44 minutes long.     Other features of the Digital SAT Students can flag the questions that they are skeptical about and come back to them later. But, they cannot come back to a section after completing it. An on-screen timer will be provided to help students keep track of their time. For the math section, an on-screen calculator will be provided.. A big advantage of going digital will be that students will receive their SAT scores faster. With the test, a reference sheet for common math formulas will also be provided.     These changes are stepping stones for creating a test-taking atmosphere that is accommodating to the needs of the current generation of students. Some of the benefits of going digital are that the fuss over the administration of paper-based tests will be over. Instead, students can use their own devices for appearing for the test or even request one from the College Board.   As computers are faster than us, the scoring process will also become faster and students will get their test scores in a couple of days instead of waiting for weeks to get them.   To get a gist of the test, you can use the Bluebook software. This software gives 4 digital tests that have the same interface as the actual test.     For more practice, use questions from Vibrant’s upcoming book, Practice Tests for the Digital SAT. This book includes 5 practice tests in the modular format of the digital SAT with questions according to the new format.   All the best!         Join our WhatsApp group to get access to free practice questions daily 
Overview of ACT

Overview of ACT

by Vibrant Publishers on Jul 30, 2022
Since the inception of the ACT®  in 1959, it has grown in popularity. Initially, it was only required in Illinois and Colorado but now, 16 states in the US need it. Read on to find out more about it!     What is the ACT? Students may often get confused between appearing for the SAT or ACT. ACT (American College Testing) is a standardized test conducted by ACT, Inc. so that colleges can evaluate a student’s knowledge and college readiness. The test takes 2 hours and 55 minutes to complete (3 hours and 35 minutes if you opt for the essay) and is a multiple-choice, pencil-and-paper, or online test. Lately, many colleges prefer students to take the ACT over the SAT so confirm with your colleges of choice about their preference.     Who takes the ACT? Although there is no set age bar for appearing for the ACT, students seeking admission in undergraduate courses in the colleges of the USA and Canada appear for the test. They are students from the 11th or 12th grades.     What is tested? The ACT is divided into 5 sections -   English - The first section tested on the ACT is the English section. This section consists of 75 questions to be solved in 45 minutes. There are two types of English questions: Usage/Mechanics and Rhetorical questions. Usage/Mechanics - Questions like punctuation, grammar usage, sentence structure, and incorrect use of words form a part of usage/mechanics. A total of 40 questions are asked from this area. Rhetorical Skills - In the remaining 35 questions, you will do editing work like adding or deleting sentences and words that don’t fit, rearranging the order of sentences, and clarifying vague writing.   Here are a few tips for answering the sometimes tricky questions -   Brush up your basic grammar rules to avoid making silly mistakes. Read the paragraph thoroughly for in-context questions. Eliminate the options that you know are incorrect first.     Math - The Math section consists of 60 questions to be answered in 60 minutes. You will be posed with questions on - Pre-algebra Elementary algebra Intermediate algebra Coordinate geometry Plane geometry Trigonometry   While preparing for the math section, Get thorough practice of questions as it will help you to solve the section on time. Our book, Math Practice Tests for the ACT 2nd Edition contains 480 practice questions and 8 full-length tests that will arm you to answer any problem with ease. Solve the easy problems first and keep the difficult and time-consuming ones for later. Don’t forget to complete the last step like converting inches to feet as it will cost you your marks.     Reading - In the Reading section, four passages are followed by 10 questions for each and the whole section takes 35 mins to complete. The passages are based on - Prose fiction (excerpts taken from fiction books and short stories) Social science (anthropology, business, political science, history, psychology, etc) Humanities (non-fiction essays and memoirs) Natural science (anatomy, astrology, physics, microbiology, natural history, etc)   The questions asked in this section range from the main idea, detail questions, cause-and-effect relationships, vocabulary-in-context, sequence of events, generalization, comparative relationships, author’s voice, and method questions.   Here are some tips to pass this section: Read the passage thoroughly and then go to the questions. It will make it easier for you to answer them. Guess an answer if a question is taking too much of your time. Highlight the important details in the passages to find the answers quickly.     Science - The science section of the ACT is again 35 minutes long with 40 questions to answer. This section will give you seven science-related passages and questions corresponding to them. The passages contain graphs, charts, science experiments, conflicting viewpoints, theories, etc. Questions in this section can range from physics to biology to chemistry and basic math.   The following are the question types asked in this section: Data representation - Out of the 40 questions. 15 questions are data representation questions which means that you will have to evaluate and interpret data in graphs, charts, and tables and answer the questions accordingly. Research summaries - Approximately 18 questions are research summary type questions as you will have to evaluate, understand and interpret experiments. Conflicting viewpoints -  7 questions are based on conflicting viewpoints i.e passages on conflicting viewpoints, theories, and hypotheses on a given topic. You will have to understand and evaluate the theories and answer the questions accordingly.   Remember, This section is quite similar to the Reading section so read the passages carefully and mark any information that you think is important. The science section does not test your knowledge of science but your evaluation and interpretation skills. Understand the question types before solving them.     Writing(Optional) - The last section of the ACT is the Writing section. Here, you will be given a prompt with three sides to an issue. In 40 minutes, you will have to read, evaluate, form, and write your thoughts and opinions on the given topic. The essay is an optional part of the ACT as many colleges do not require students to appear for it. Know beforehand if your colleges of choice need you to take the essay or not.   The best way to approach the essay is first to deconstruct it. Understand what the prompt actually means. Pick apart the pros and cons of the argument and make a chart if possible. This will help you to think clearly and formulate your argument.   Winning Strategies for ACT Essay Writing provides 15 sample prompts that are similar to the real test. It also includes suggestions for approaching the writing task, analyzing the issues presented and managing time effectively.   You will be scored on four domains in the Essay section -   Ideas and Analysis - In this domain, the graders will score your ability to generate ideas and analyze the situation.   Development and Support - The ability to clearly explain your idea and generate arguments that support your opinion with the help of examples is checked.   Organization - Your ability to organize and streamline ideas to show their relationships is checked in this domain.   Language Use and Conventions - In this domain, the graders grade you on your word usage, grammar, sentence formation, and clarity in conveying your opinion.     How is the ACT scored? To standardize the scoring process, the ACT follows a scaling format for scoring students. It can be tricky sometimes but let’s try to understand it!   First, a raw score is derived for each section. A raw score is nothing but the number of answers that you get right but points are not deducted for wrong answers. After the raw score is derived for each section, the scores are scaled. Scaling is done to bring consistency in the scoring of all tests. These scores are then added and their average is found. This average is your final score on the ACT.   Via ACT, Inc.   For example, you get raw scores of 60, 30, 32, and 31 in the English, Math, Reading, and Science sections respectively. When these raw scores are scaled, you get scaled scores of 27, 21, 29, and 28 respectively (refer to the above chart). Upon adding these scores, you get a total of 105 which is divided by 4 to get an average. So, you get a composite score of 26.25 which rounds up to 26 (scores are rounded up to the nearest whole number.)   But how will the Essay section be scored if you appear for it? The scoring for the essay is a bit complicated. For an essay, there will be two graders who will each give a score between 1-6. Their scores will be added so that you can get a score between 2-12. The graders give a score on the basis of the four categories: Ideas and analysis, development and support, organizations and language use and conventions.   Subscores - Subscores do not contribute to your composite score but are essential to know your strengths and weaknesses in the subject areas. These scores come in handy especially when you have to appear for the ACT again as you can focus on areas that you are weak in.     Conclusion Lastly, appearing for the ACT can be a challenge. The only way to ace this test is to practice until the questions no longer seem like an enemy!     *ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc. which neither sponsors nor endorses this product.   
Overview of SAT

Overview of SAT

by Vibrant Publishers on Jun 17, 2022
Did you know that the SAT was invented as a part of assessing the intelligence of recruits in the US Army? Over time, the SAT became a standardized test used by colleges to gauge a student’s understanding of the concepts previously learned. The SAT is a test taken by students in the US and globally. But many questions still confuse the test-taker like what is tested? And how is it scored? Read on to find answers to the questions.     What is the SAT? Who takes the SAT? What is tested? How is it scored Terms you should know      What is the SAT? SAT or the Scholastic Assessment Test is one of the two tests (the other being the ACT) that is used to test your readiness for college. The test is designed to evaluate your ability to apply the concepts previously learned in school, in a timed-testing environment. However, it does not test your intelligence but how well you do in a stressful situation.   The test is divided into three sections - Reading, Writing and Language, and Math. It is a 3-hour long test with breaks between sections. The colleges use the SAT as a predictive analytic tool to evaluate the student’s basic abilities that are needed to enter undergraduate programs. It is a pencil-paper test and not an online one. Some colleges also prefer the ACT over SAT so ask your desired colleges about the test they need you to take.       Who takes the SAT? Students seeking admission to colleges in the USA and Canada appear for the test. They are students usually from the 11th or 12th grades that are seeking admission to undergraduate programs.       What is tested? The SAT tests the student in three areas -   Evidence-based reading - The first section that is tested on the SAT is the Evidence-based reading. This section comprises 52 questions based on 5 passages that have to be answered within 65 minutes. The passages range from genres like literature, history, social studies, and science. For these passages, different types of questions are asked, which include; Main idea Detail questions Inferences Author’s purpose and technique Vocabulary Analogy Data reasoning Evidence Support   Remember, this section wants to test your ability to focus on the big picture as well as the small details in a timed environment. Therefore, It would be wise to first attempt to solve the passages of the subject that you have relatively more grasp over. Read the passages in a way that gives answers to the questions rather than going through the entire passage. Keep the main idea question for last as you will get an idea of what is the passage about until that time.     Writing and Language - The next section tested is the Writing and Language section. You get 35 minutes to answer 44 questions. You will be provided with 4 passages from genres of careers, humanities, social studies, and science, accompanied by 11 questions. In this section, you get a chance to point out grammatical mistakes like missing punctuation, wrong sentence building, and an incorrect choice of words and make the necessary corrections. Graphics for paragraphs on science are also provided so make sure you understand the meaning of them and answer the questions accordingly.   When attempting the questions: Always use grammar rules to guide the way. Eliminate the wrong answers first; it will help you narrow down your options. Read the questions and paragraphs carefully as they tend to be tricky sometimes.     Math - The math section includes 58 questions that are divided into two parts. The first part is the No Calculator section with 20 questions to be solved in 25 minutes. The use of a calculator is allowed in the second part. The second part contains 38 questions that take 55 minutes to solve. The math section is divided into four domains Heart of Algebra (ratios, percentages, and proportional reasoning) Problem Solving and Data Analysis (linear equations, systems of linear equations, and functions) Passport to Advanced Math (linear equations, functions, and systems) Additional Topics in math (geometry, trigonometry, complex numbers, and radian measures)   Keep these things in mind while attempting the questions in the math section - Practice math questions from all the domains as much as possible. With the help of our newly launched SAT Math Practice Questions book, you will get the additional practice that you need. It contains 350 practice questions along with 1 full-length test. Memorize basic as well as important formulas Don’t miss out on the last step like converting inches to feet which can cost you your marks.       How is it scored? The SAT score is the summation of two sections - Evidence-based Reading and Writing (EBRW) and Math. Note that the Reading and Writing and Language section is clubbed together to form one section while calculating the test score.   For each section, you can score between 200 - 800 so for the overall test, you can score between 400 - 1600.   Sample conversion chart by   The calculation of the test score is a bit tricky. First, a raw score (actual number of questions that you get right) is found. Then the test score (between 10 and 40) of the Reading and Writing and Language section is added. The sum is then multiplied by 10. That is your section score for EBRW. For the Math section, the corresponding score on the chart is the section score. The total score of the test is calculated by adding the two section scores.   Confusing, right? Let’s take an example where Sonia appears for the SAT and gets a raw score of 42 (she got 42 answers correct). According to the conversion chart, her test score for Reading is 34 and 38 for Writing and Language. Upon adding the two test scores, she gets a score of 72. Now, when she multiplies 72 by 10, she gets a section score of 720.   Similarly, her Math section score is 630 according to the conversion chart. To calculate the total score that she received on the test, she adds the two section scores (720+630) and hence gets a total score of 1350.       Terms you should know College Board - College Board is the organization that conducts the SAT. It is the manager of the test and provides great resources for understanding the application process and provides information about the test structure, scoring, and tips for writing the test. The scores of the test are released on College Board’s website and it can also send your test scores to your chosen colleges.   ACT - The ACT (American College Testing) is similar to the SAT and many colleges prefer students take the ACT. When the SAT was redesigned, its content became similar to the ACT. Consult your colleges of choice to know which test they prefer.   Superscore - Suppose, a student takes a test 2 times. On the first test, he scores less in the math section but more in the writing and language section, and on the second test, he gets a higher score in the math section. So, a superscore is the combination of the best section scores. Some colleges ask the students to submit the scores of all the tests that they have taken, to evaluate the superscore.     Find 5 full-length tests, 770 questions, and detailed answers and explanations in our newly released edition of  Practice Tests for the SAT. Lastly, manage your time efficiently and don’t be dejected if you don’t clear the test in one go as there’s always a second time.
3 Reasons why completing the essay of the ACT or SAT is a good idea

3 Reasons why completing the essay of the ACT or SAT is a good idea

by Vibrant Publishers on May 20, 2022
As the first person in my family to go to college, I was feeling the pressure to get respectable ACT and SAT scores to get into a good school. I felt stressed about it because math was not my strong suit, and taking tests under the pressure of time made me nervous.   However, I had prepared my entire high school career to look appealing for potential colleges. I was a member of the SCA, played softball, was in all honor classes, had a high GPA, held a part-time job, and volunteered. What if I bomb my college entrance exams? What if I get passed over because of it? These are the kind of things running through my head before preparing for and taking the ACT and SAT.   Many colleges and universities are no longer requiring the essay of the ACT or SAT. So why should students complete them?     1) It Prepares Students to Apply to Any College   Even though there is a trend on colleges no longer requiring the essay portion of these tests, there are some that still do. Some colleges want to acquire as much information about a student as possible before making a decision. Others simply want to demonstrate how important they think writing skills are. Prestigious Duke University advertises that the essay is optional but recommended. Christoph Guttentag, dean undergraduate admissions states, “We will continue to value writing as particularly meaningful as we develop a sense of students as potential members of the Duke community. And we will still pay careful attention to essay scores and what they represent for those students who submit them.”   If students decide to apply to a school they had not previously considered and it requires the essay, they would have to take the complete exam all over again. Having the test and essay already completed will leave them with many more options. Students can apply to colleges whether they require it or not.   Given I had no guidance from family, I did not know what my potential schools required. I decided to take the tests and complete the essays as well. In my case, it was a good thing I did, because schools I applied to, indeed required them.   Some colleges may not require the essay but may recommend them. When students compete with thousands of other potential students, it’s best to make themselves stand out any way that they can.     2) It Can Help If Your Score for the Rest of the Test is Lower   If your potential college makes the essay of the ACT or SAT necessary, it can help you if you have a lower math score. It is one more thing that colleges can look at to see you as a complete student. This is exactly what it did for me. I scored ok on the math portion and better then ok on my essay.   The newest versions of the ACT and SAT essay have potential students evaluate, analyze, and give more thought to their writing piece. It gives colleges more to think about than grammar and style. Having an amazing essay score can only help students.     3) It Prepares You for College Writing   Completing the essay of the ACT or SAT gives colleges an example of your timed writing skills. In college courses, having a prompt with a certain amount of time to write is standard practice. The analytical thinking required to complete the essay is also the kind of thinking students will have to exercise in college. Having the essay portion of the test completed will show admissions what you are capable of in that atmosphere.   College entrance exam essays do not have to be stressful. Using books that guide on approaching the writing task, analyzing the issues presented, and managing time effectively can give you all the tools you need to succeed with writing your essay. If you prepare with these books, you’ll know how to score well and have the practice you need to write your essay with ease. This will boost chances of getting into a reputable college or university that you are interested in. I prepared for the essay of my exams, and they are indeed where I flourished. I got into my number one pick for college.     Ace your ACT & SAT with our books: Winning Strategies for ACT Essay Writing: With 15 Sample Prompts SAT Essay Writing Guide with Sample Prompts
Adding Large Numbers

Adding Large Numbers

by Vibrant Publishers on May 19, 2022
Ability to add large numbers quickly in your head is a neat trick – helpful when you are grocery shopping or trying to figure out how many runs your favorite player has made in a series.Adding 397 to 918 in your head may sound tricky.It is easier to handle numbers when they are rounded off.So 397 becomes 400 and 918 becomes 920.It is now easier to add 400 to 920. The total is 1320.To arrive at the original equation, we have to figure out how much we added to our original numbers.400 – 397 = 3 and 920 – 918 = 2. So we have added a total of 5 to our original numbers.So we subtract  5 from 1320.1320 – 5 = 1315.So 397 + 918 = 1315.Get lots of Math practice problems for standardized tests like the SAT, ACT, GRE and GMAT in the Test Prep Series books of Vibrant Publishers.