How to Conquer Writer's Block: Tips from Successful Authors

by Vibrant Publishers

Do you find yourself struggling to come up with creative ideas for your book? Perhaps you have found yourself staring at a blank screen or a sheet of paper, unsure of what to do next. If so, you may be experiencing writer's block. But don't worry, this is a common issue that many writers face regardless of their level of experience. The only difference is that seasoned writers have effectively developed strategies to overcome it. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the reasons why you might be experiencing writer's block and we’ll suggest some tips to help you get your creative juices flowing again.


What causes writer’s block?

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, writer's block is a condition where you are unable to create a piece of written work due to something in your mind that prevents you from doing so. This "something" could be anxiety about completing the work on time, feeling unmotivated, or not getting enough rest. There is no telling when and why it may happen, but it’s important to remember that it is a sign for you to calm down and take a deep breath. Following are some of the ways in which you can tackle this obstacle:


Don’t Break the Chain!

Days marked on a calendar
Jerry Seinfeld, a popular comedian, suggested an effective strategy to overcome writer's block that involves just one motto: “Don't break the chain!”

This strategy is synonymous with Jerry Seinfeld, a renowned comedian who played an important role in American popular culture in the late 20th century. He is often regarded as one of the most successful comedians of all time. However, he is also known for producing a level of consistency in his performances. This may sound daunting but there is a lot to unpack and learn from his life. In an interview, when asked for “some tips for a young comic”, he suggested that one must place a calendar on a prominent wall and mark a big red cross on each day that they have been productive. Over time, a chain will be formed and one will develop a habit of maintaining a streak. This strategy will also stop you from procrastinating and you will be able to generate quality content. 


Take a Break!

Take a Break!
Taking breaks in intervals will help you to concentrate on the action plan and organize your ideas accordingly.

It may sound contradicting, but taking breaks within a day is essential to give yourself time to think about your plan of action. Timely breaks can help you rethink your content and process the information you have gathered or produced. Dr. AnnaMaria Bliven, author of four books, suggests that one must try to empty their mind of unnecessary (often taxing) thoughts. She adds that one should either walk along the shore or in the woods or even go shopping. Basically, someplace “where you can get away from your obligations”. Then focus your attention on your dream– to write!


“Just Keep Writing!”

Just Keep Writing!
Let your words and creativity flow and keep writing regardless of the format or structure.

Says Michelle Bartonico, a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and author of two books. You don’t have to think about the structure or format nor do you have to worry about the repetition of some ideas or sentences. The main aim is to let your thoughts flow without a filter. This way, you will have plenty of content to work with and after a day or two, you can revisit the work with a fresh perspective and make the necessary changes. Bartonico advises writers to take every opportunity to write when they're in the mood, without limiting themselves.



Writer’s block is a common phenomenon and tackling it effectively will provide even better results. However, it is important to understand that each author has a different approach to writing, and as Bliven says, “One has to experiment and find out what’s comfortable for them and what gets them into the flow.” So, next time you “suffer” from this problem, make sure that you keep a positive attitude and view this obstacle as a minor hurdle in your journey towards becoming a successful author.

Happy Writing!


Additional Resources for Authors:  
How to Write a Flawless Self-Learning Book?
Why You Should Publish With Vibrant Publishers