Prof. Amlan Ray is currently Senior Director & Dean at SRISIIM, New Delhi, a management and research Institution recognized by the Ministry of Science & Technology and Ministry of Education, Government of India. He has 27 years of experience working in Corporates, Consulting, Training, and Academia. His corporate experience and research area lie in Economic Analysis, Digital Transformation, and International Business. He is also an advisor to Infinite Sum Modelling Inc., a US-based multinational consulting firm in the area of International Trade.Amlan has also authored several articles in Management and Economics journals. Amlan has executed various training and consulting assignments sponsored by organizations like the AICTE, World Bank, PHD Chamber of Commerce, Grafoventure (Italy), Master Card Foundation, and Data Science Network (Nigeria). He has been instrumental in designing National Occupational Standard (NOS) in the area of Digital Transformation for National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), India. Amlan is a B.Tech., MBA, M.A. (Economics) and has submitted his Ph.D. thesis at Amrita Viswa Vidyapeetham, India in the area of International Trade.




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